
I believe that the truly just society – and the one that serves all its members best – is the one that encourages and supports the creativity, imagination, and freedom of its entrepreneurs. You’ll find some important support for this thinking in topics I’ve been writing about lately.

Hunter Hastings LCI Interview Cover

Interview on The Libertarian Christian Podcast

Check it out! A few weeks back I joined Doug Stuart to discuss my book, The Interconnected Individual, and why we should look forward to the exciting new economic realities of the future. 

Interview on Power Trading Radio

Check out my recent appearance with John O'Donnell on Power Trading…

Where’s The Profit In Digital Innovation? It’s In Reduced Transaction Costs.

The new era of low transaction cost digital service provision is, in Munger’s telling, a revolution, as significant as the Industrial Revolution in the nineteenth century. Each of us as consumers will have the opportunity to lead more convenient, more efficient, and safer lives.

Entrepreneurs Bring Economic Progress – Which Is Far More Important To People Than GDP Growth.

Progress in one area leads to progress in others. Life gets better. Progress is not brought to us by managers striving for efficiency, but by entrepreneurs developing specialist knowledge about their area of expertise and thereby discovering new opportunities to serve customers better and to make a profit doing so

Entrepreneurial Initiative Beats Corporate Innovation Process Yet Again. When Will They Ever Learn?

The future of innovation lies squarely in the initiatives of the independent, interconnected entrepreneur. As new technologies like A.I. and global idea exchange platforms augment individual capacity, the trend towards individually ideated innovation will accelerate.