The Economics for Business Podcast

A podcast based on the winning principle that entrepreneurs need only know the laws of economics plus the minds of customers. After that, apply your imagination.

E4B Podcast Cover for Episode #152 Featuring Derek and Laura Cabrera

152. Laura and Derek Cabrera: Building An Entrepreneurial Business Culture With Systems Thinking

Why do entrepreneurs start businesses in the first place? They have a vision for the future and seek to work with other people to bring it about.
E4B Podcast Cover for Episode #151 Featuring Mark Packard

151. Mark Packard On Entrepreneurial Imagination: You Can’t Do Business Without It

agination is the first stage of any value generation journey — starting a development project, enhancing the customer experience, embarking on innovation, or building a business for the next year or the next decade. Imagination might sound like a fuzzy concept, but it’s a robust business tool, the engine of the entrepreneurial design process.
E4B Podcast Cover for Episode #150 Featuring Hunter Hastings

150. Six Powerful Business Insights From Austrian Economics

We invite you to listen to the special year-end podcast, and to sample each of those we’ve highlighted here, review the Key Takeaways we provide as a summary for each one, and download the free tools that accompany each podcast.
E4B Podcast Cover for Episode #149 Featuring Victor Chor

149: Victor Chor: The Journey From Flipping to Global High-Tech Brand Building

Entrepreneurship is fulfilling and exciting and inspiring. It’s fun. It’s learning. It’s a sense of achievement. It’s a journey.
E4B Podcast Cover for Episode #148 Featuring Diana Jones

148. Diana Jones: The New Management Model — Guarding Group Relationships

Human action lies at the core of the application of Austrian economics to business: how do people act and how can we develop the best understanding of why they act that way.
E4B Podcast Cover for Episode #147 Featuring Mohammad Keyhani

147. Mohammad Keyhani: Strategic Entrepreneurship — The Smart Practice of Combining Business Theories for Marketplace Success

Strategic management theories and entrepreneurship theories have diverged in academia. One perspective can’t recognize the other. Yet the most promising and successful new business approaches demonstrate an agile combination of both sets of theories. Professor Mohammad Keyhani joins Economics For Business to explain this phenomenon and help us point the way to the future of strategic entrepreneurship.
E4B Podcast Cover for Episode #146 Featuring Luca Dellanna

146. Luca Dellanna on the Power of Adaptation: Adapt or Die

Ceaseless flux. Those are words Ludwig von Mises used to describe the perpetual change in business conditions that entrepreneurs experience. The consequent need, he told us, is for a process of constant adjustment. The current word for that process is adaptation.
E4B Podcast Cover for Episode #145 Featuring Christopher Habig

145. Christopher Habig: How Understanding Subjective Value Will Revolutionize the Medical Care Industry

The field of medical care is so ripe for new entrepreneurial solutions. As is always the case, solution design begins with understanding subjective value, both for customers (patients) and providers (doctors) Christopher Habig of Freedom Healthworks ( joins Economics For Business to explain how an Austrian, subjective-value focused approach is bringing market freedoms to medical care.
E4B Podcast Cover for Episode #144 Featuring Joe Matarese

144. Joe Matarese on Expectations and Building a Culture of Continuous Innovation

Every company starts as an innovation. Thereafter, the unceasing challenge is to keep innovating because the market continues to change, technology continues to advance and, crucially, customer expectations continue to rise.
E4B Podcast Cover for Episode #143 Featuring Per Bylund

143: Per Bylund: How Austrian Entrepreneurs Succeed

Successful entrepreneurs are Austrians, they just don’t know it yet. This is a famous assertion from Dr. Per Bylund, and we dissect its meaning in the latest Economics For Business podcast.
E4B Podcast Cover for Episode #142 Featuring Murray Sabrin

142. Murray Sabrin: How Entrepreneurs Beat the Fed-Generated Boom-Bust Cycle

Entrepreneurial businesses acknowledge and understand the inevitability of boom-bust cycles in the Fed-manipulated economy. But they refuse to be defeated or even deterred.
E4B Podcast Cover for Episode #141 Featuring Bharat Kanodia

141. Bharat Kanodia: How Subjective Value Generates Valuation In Business

All value is subjective. But often, when an exchange is to be made, a numerical value is required. It’s a special kind of economic calculation, what Bharat Kanodia terms “a subjective opinion based on objective facts”.