
All future jobs will be value creation jobs.

The management revolution (a term coined by the primary historian of 20th-century management, Alfred D. Chandler) generated a lot of bureaucracy or, as London School of Economics professor David Graeber puts it, “Bullshit Jobs.” These jobs tend to be located primarily in the bureaucratic cores of the corporation: HR, finance and accounting, and legal/compliance. According to Graeber, these jobs are unfulfilling for the individuals doing them, yet deliberately designed that way by management to implement approved methods and procedures.. Those jobs are not there to create value, but to exercise control.

Graeber estimates that, in some firms, like banks, the proportion of jobs that can be classified this way is as high as 75%, and that 40% is a reasonable estimate of the average proportion.

There’s a good chance these jobs will be gradually eliminated in the future.

The problem of bureaucracy arose directly from the practice of management. In the early phases of corporate capitalism, firms were entrepreneurial rather than bureaucratic. Founding entrepreneurs drove expansion through leadership. Divisions and functions were run by mini-entrepreneurs, responding to market signals more than to bosses. Of course, they needed bookkeeping and support systems, but these were operational rather than bureaucratic.

Eventually, scale and new complexity required new forms of organization. More managers were hired. Eventually, managers took over, as the entrepreneurs exited. The 20th century was the century of management – but, as economist Ludwig von Mises pointed out, the capitalist system, properly understood, is an entrepreneurial system, not a managerial system. So capitalism itself – the system of creating value for customers and reaping the entrepreneurial rewards conferred by market approval – became distorted to shift the balance of outcomes to favor the managers and investors.

That’s where bureaucracy and bullshit jobs came in. Managers sought control: over the uncertainties and unpredictable outcomes that are typical of entrepreneurship; over the variability in consumer preferences; and over the short-term financial results of the business, because the financial markets’ demand for reliable consistency became predominant. Control was thought to come from processes, procedures and methods, documented in the bureaucracy and implemented through the authority of the hierarchy, limiting individual autonomy to adherence to tightly written job descriptions and rules of conducting business. Plans were developed at the top and executed through orders and instructions at the base of the pyramid. This philosophy was enshrined as business administration, and masters’ degrees were awarded for it.

This phase of business is coming to a close. There are many reasons why, and we can focus on two of them.

  1. New value creation business models: the digital business models of the new era are characterized by direct connection to customers. Every time a user enters a search term, or a consumer purchases on a shopping site, or a corporate employee works on Slack or Salesforce, the behavior and the content are directly and immediately captured by the data engine. Insights about actions and preferences can be generated through pattern recognition in the feedback loop, and any improvement or enhancement that the end user requires can be provided as a digital response. It’s user-guided continuous improvement. The customer is back in direct charge. When we say that customers are the ultimate value creators, this is what we mean. By their actions and statements of preference, they bring new improvements and, therefore, new value propositions into being. If they are dissatisfied, they communicate it, and perhaps look elsewhere for greater value. The customer is genuinely the boss. There’s no need for business administration – it’s superseded by direct connection to the customer without intermediation.
  2. The bullshit jobs can be automated: The advances in software headlined by business process automation and supplemented by machine learning and AI will gradually eliminate bureaucracy. Standard practices, sequential processes, form-filling, performance measurement, reporting, monitoring, authorization, accounting, budget management, and more will be performed by software rather than by managers.

So what does that leave? The most important jobs of all: value creation. Highly automated, digitally-enabled firms will require the customer insight, entrepreneurial judgment, design creativity, and empathic responsiveness that value creators bring. Value creators bring the characteristics and behaviors that are critical to business success.

  • They constantly keep value in mind: how can customers’ needs be better satisfied in a world of constant change and aggressive competition?
  • They demonstrate the entrepreneurial mindset, favoring action and experimentation rather than cautious calculation.
  • They recognize empathy as a core business tool for creative entrepreneurship, and they refine their empathic diagnosis by carefully assessing the customer experience from the customer’s perspective.
  • They collaborate harmoniously without competing for titles or recognition; they make great team members.
  • They pursue continuous innovation, never stopping, never complacent.
  • They can design innovations through a process of working backwards from the customer experience.
  • They understand marketing as building trust through relationships, and not as a mechanical process of lead generation and conversion.
  • They are masters of subjective calculation: estimating the value of future assets based on future customer satisfaction.
  • They appreciate that tacit knowledge accumulation rather than data is the source of advantage for a firm, and they error-correct their knowledge by constantly questioning and challenging.
  • They are not constrained by conventional organizational design and structure, recognizing flow as the mindset that transcends both.

The Value Creators online business course aims to elucidate and teach these principles through the lens of entrepreneurialism rather than business administration.

The New Economics: Harnessing Complex Adaptive Systems for Business Growth

The new science of complex adaptive systems in economics has transformative potential for business. This new science reveals how competitive entrepreneurial exploration of new technologies, products, and services can drive continuous economic growth. Think of it as a new law of economics, centered on the roles of value and selection in evolving entrepreneurial systems.

Traditional economics has struggled to identify unifying laws. However, the science of complex evolving systems provides a fresh perspective. An evolving system comprises many interacting components that increase in diversity, distribution, and patterned behavior over time. This seems to contradict the second law of thermodynamics, which states that natural phenomena become increasingly disordered over time.

A New General Law of Economics

By applying the principles of complex evolving systems, we can identify a new general law of economics: the emergence of new economic value over time, driven by competitive entrepreneurial discovery.

Characteristics of Evolving Systems in Economics

Analyzing the economy as a complex evolving system reveals three key attributes:

  1. Resource Configurations: There are countless ways to combine resources and inputs into new configurations.
  2. Discovery Processes: These processes generate new configurations.
  3. Selection: Certain configurations persist due to their value.

Increased order in such a system results from selection: some configurations have advantages that make them more likely to endure. Similarly, the economic system evolves through the selection of advantageous configurations.

The Economic System as an Evolving System

In economics, new configurations emerge from the diverse resources and capital structures. Entrepreneurship drives the discovery process by experimenting with new combinations. The end-user market then selects for value, ensuring that only the best configurations survive.

Therefore, the three characteristics of evolving systems—component diversity, configurational exploration, and selection—are fully demonstrated in the economic system and underpin the law of increasing value. This law can be generalized: economic systems with many interacting agents display an increase in diversity, distribution, and patterned behavior when numerous entrepreneurially generated configurations are subjected to value selection pressure. Value is the universal basis for selection in economic systems.

Three Orders of Value Selection

  1. Foundational Value: Configurations evolve to a point where they can self-maintain, with no need for reorganization or recombination. This value is associated with reliability, repeatability, trust, reputation, and ethics.
  2. Adaptive Value: Entrepreneurship drives knowledge building and information processing, supporting the creation of new configurations. Economic entities adapt dynamically to market changes, leading to growth, innovation, and competitiveness.
  3. Evolutionary Value: In complex systems, entirely new functions can be imagined and created, opening up new possibility spaces. This value is associated with the ability to invent new functions continuously.

Selection as the Key to Evolution

Selection is the primary enabling constraint in this model. A system will evolve, or increase value creation, if many different configurations are subjected to selection for value. For this to occur, markets must be free to select, entrepreneurs must be free to innovate, and selection pressures must be allowed to intensify.

Underlying Principles

  • Information Richness: Greater and faster flows of knowledge and data can open new possibility spaces for value creation.
  • Selection Pressure: The competitiveness of the market system is crucial for driving value creation.
  • Potential to Evolve: Systems vary in their potential to evolve. Increasing current value can enhance future value potential.
  • Rate of Change: The evolution rate can be influenced by increasing the number and diversity of interacting agents, the number of different system configurations, and the selective pressure on the system.
  • Interdependence: Evolving systems are overlapping and interdependent. Information transfers within these systems create an “information field.”
  • Value Selection: Systems that select based on Foundational, Adaptive, and Evolutionary Value will see increased value creation.

Understanding and applying these principles can help young professionals navigate the complexities of modern business economics and drive continuous growth and innovation.

Components Of The New Management Paradigm.

The traditional methods and ways of thinking of strategic management are no longer viable.

They assume that exogenous causes and causal interrelationships can be shaped and utilized to produce objective factors of business performance. Superior management can result in superior performance through identifiable combinations of observable causal factors.

The modern science of complex evolving systems, represented by Austrian economics in social sciences, compels recognition that business outcomes are emergent rather than resulting from identifiable causal factors. Human action, by both customers and employees, occurs in complex interactions of dynamic interpersonal coordination, the results of which are unforseeable. It is the beliefs, perceptions, expectations, imagination and intentions of individuals that combine and interact unpredictably in business reality. Strategic business success is highly uncertain in this context and impossible to sustain.

A new strategic management paradigm is called for.  The components are:

The philosophy of subjective value. Human beings seek value, defined as an improvement in self-perceived well-being. They constantly seek a desired state to replace a current state that is deemed less than perfectly satisfactory. Businesses thrive when they are able to facilitate customers’ feelings and experiences of value. The performance of a firm, and any structure or methods it adopts, are 100% determined by the perceptions of its target customers. Any change in these perceptions will result in changes in firm performance. Dynamic business energy emanates from customers, not from strategy. 

Converting knowledge into value. It follows that customer knowledge and understanding are the vital, scarce resource of the business firm. There are no structural competitive advantages, but it can be the case that the combination of people in one firm share knowledge and understanding that is more functional for the task of conversion into value via innovation, service and relationship. The law of increasing functional information guides the market systems selection of the best value-facilitating firms.

Entrepreneurship (rather than management) is the business function for conversion of knowledge into new value. It is a non-linear, non-processual act of co-ordinated and creative imagination. It can be advanced and accelerated by identifying and continuously renewing insights into customers’ motivations, purposes and values, and composing and recomposing new value propositions for them to choose from. Entrepreneurial capacity consists of skill in designing business propositions and in stimulating customers’ choice of those propositions. During the act of designing the value proposition, the customer’s choice lies in the future, and so is unknown and unknowable. Entrepreneurial imagination is the cognitive connection of the present offerings and future choices. It does not result from traditional strategic management or planning.

Innovation is a necessary condition for business persistence. In the dynamic swirl of rapid change and inscrutable complexity, continuous innovation is required to stay relevant to customers and to stay coherent with the environment. This is continuous improvement in a value proposition to match continuously increasing knowledge on the customer’s part of what they can want and demand. There are opportunities beyond persistence – adaptive innovators can respond to the changing environment with new value propositions that exceed the expectations of customers, i.e. incorporate new knowledge before it’s widespread. And the truly evolutionary businesses can make leaps of innovation that introduce true novelty to the market. The market may select the novelty or reject it; successful new businesses and new products are those that qualify for selection. The market is always evaluating and always selecting.

Nothing in this process can be predicted or projected. Strategic planning is powerless. Discovery, not planning, is the dynamic of innovation in business.  Discovery requires the humility of relinquishing certainty and control, and the creativity of generating new ideas and combinations for testing and experimentation. There is joy in discovery, and we must learn to love feedback loops, the conduits from the customer and the marketplace that tell us how our experiments perform in evaluation. Humility and empathy are not the central focus of traditional strategic management. We hear much more about heroic business leadership and the intellectual superiority of planners and strategists. But discovery is not driven by intellectualism but by action – run lots of experiments, gather fast feedback, determine what works, and incorporate it into the next epxeriment, until a new value prososition emerges that is robust enough to commercialize.

Complexity is the overarching organizational metaphor. Complexity can’t be tamed or managed. Simple imagery fails to convey any meaning. For example, when there is discusion of market share, or growth rates, or 5-year total stock market returns, or even quarterly revenue, it’s meaningless in the context of complexity. Complexity is a swirl of ongoing interactions between people and their contexts, constrained by rules, norms, institutions, events and things, with emergent and unpreditable outcomes triggering new emergent responses which further accelerate change and make it even more chaotic. Businesses can’t snapshot the swirl of complexity, or choose just a few developments to respond to. They must act intuitively to find islands of order in the raging sea of chaos.

The new form of organization for complexity is autonomy. In the new paradigm, firms gradually learn how to auto-organize, eschewing structure and hierarchy and management authority in favor of self-management by employees and team members. Teams self-assemble around functions like marketing and branding or operations and delivery or finance, and role map the collaboration that will optimize the combination of specialist talents in pursuit of a shared purpose. Purpose is the binding force, rather than position in a hierarchy or on an org chart or the authoritarian directives of management. 

Subjective value, knowledge conversion, entrepreneurship, innovation, discovery, complexity and orgnizational autonomy – these are the components of the new management paradigm. 

The Value Creators Podcast Episode #41 – Projjal Ghatak On Harmonization Via Collaborative Team Development

Teams are the new focal point of organizational design and organizational function. Motivation – quantified as “energy” by Projjal Ghatak and Onloop – is the key to team performance. Technology is advancing to the point where motivation can be monitored using AI, and self-reported feedback and other nuanced approaches to understanding and improving motivation levels are delivering real progress. Purpose portfolios can align individual motivations with organizational goals, capturing the role of purpose in driving productivity and engagement.

Projjal mentioned companies experimenting with holocracy and distributed flat organizations, although scaling such structures was noted as challenging due to inherent human tendencies to seek direction and guidance. The conversation also explored frameworks like RAPID (Bain’s Responsible, Accountable, Perform, Informed, Decide model) and spans of control, highlighting strategies for optimizing organizational effectiveness and managerial efficiency.

Projjal emphasized the importance of respect and trust in leadership dynamics, noting that effective leaders inspire motivation and engagement through their actions and guidance. The role of AI in augmenting managerial capabilities and increasing spans of control was also discussed, highlighting the potential for technology to enhance organizational structures and improve managerial effectiveness.


The Post-Managerial Era (Blog Post) 

Connect with Hunter Hastings on LinkedIn 

Connect with Projjal Ghatak on LinkedIn

Knowledge Capsule:

Changing Business Organization

Evolution of Management Concepts:

  • Traditional management concepts from the industrial age are thoroughly outdated.
  • The ideas of “managing” and “being managed” have no place in the 21st century business world.
  • Modern businesses use software for global coordination and collaboration.

Role of Managers:

  • Businesses face challenges in maximizing the potential of human resources
  • There are significant changes in managerial roles due to technological advancements.
  • We can reject the traditional definitions of management.
  • Think instead about a collaboration and coordination role.
  • And make the distinction between managers, leaders, and coaches, each with specific roles.

Managerial Challenges:

  • One of the problems of the management concept is bad management – the wrong people with the wrong relationships with others.
  • Many businesses lack effective managers, especially among first-time managers.
  • This issue is consistent across different regions, industries, and business sizes.

Collaborative Team Development Software:

  • Using technology to simplify complex problems in leadership and management.
  • Inspiration from the fitness industry: breaking down tasks into manageable parts.
  • Focus on motivation (energy), clarity on goals, and feedback.
  • Technology structures management tasks, making them less dependent on individual skills.

Origins of Onloop:

  • Personal experiences with inadequate tools led to the creation of Onloop.
  • Differentiation between talent-focused technology and HR-focused technology.

Performance Management:

  • Traditional performance management processes are inefficient.
  • Introduction of microfeedback to replace traditional feedback methods.

Automation and AI:

  • Use of AI to automate performance reviews (which, in their original form, are the worst management tools!) and synthesize feedback.
  • Focus on reducing friction around regular feedback and enhancing productivity.

Engagement Focus:

  • Employee engagement levels are dangerously low according to Gallup and other surveys.
  • Engagement can be enhanced through CDT product usage, increasing both motivation and  effectiveness.
  • Regular usage reviews to understand product performance and areas for improvement.

People Management vs. HR Management:

  • People management focuses on productivity and team performance.
  • HR management is more about compliance and administrative functions.

Hybrid and Distributed Teams

  • Hybrid teams traditionally mean a mix of remote and in-office workers.
  • Modern context includes geographically and functionally distributed teams.
  • Diverse teams require intentional management practices.
  • Structured cadences and rhythms are necessary for effective collaboration.

Challenges in Hybrid Teams

  • Informal feedback loops are disrupted in remote settings.
  • Leaders need to adapt to structured communication tools like Zoom and Slack.
  • Leaders accustomed to in-person interactions struggle with remote management.
  • There’s a need for intentional rituals to maintain clarity and motivation.

Rituals and Cadences:

  • Regular all-hands meetings to build relationships and rapport.
  • Structured one-on-one conversations using frameworks like CDD (energy, goals, feedback, skills).

Calendaring Everything:

  • Scheduling all important activities to ensure they happen.
  • Emphasis on intentionality in scheduling to maintain productivity and team cohesion.

Collaborative Team Development:

  • Shift from traditional performance management to continuous feedback and goal setting.
  • Using technology to automate and simplify performance reviews.

Reducing Bias:

  • Replacing manual reviews with automated summaries to minimize bias.
  • Focus on observations and work outcomes rather than subjective ratings.

Bias in Traditional Systems:

  • Eloquence bias and gender disparity in leadership roles.
  • Extroverted, assertive individuals are often rewarded over more reserved team members.

Equal Outcomes through Technology:

  • Using machine learning to ensure fair assessments and reduce bias.
  • Focusing on objective performance metrics to support diversity and inclusion.

Self-Reported Metrics:

  • Currently, motivation is self-reported as a “battery level” (full, empty, or in between).
  • This data is visible only to the manager to maintain psychological safety.

Potential for AI:

  • AI is not yet capable of accurately detecting motivation through behavior or dialogue.
  • Future potential for AI to infer motivation from observations and interactions.

Integration of Well-being and Performance

  • Well-being (referred to as energy levels or motivation) is crucial for productivity.
  • Addressing anxiety and mental health as part of performance management.
  • Reframing “wellness” as “energy levels” to increase engagement and acceptance among leaders.
  • Regular energy checks are popular and help gauge team motivation.

Defining Purpose Portfolios:

  • Employees should have clear purpose portfolios that align personal and professional goals.
  • Activities should support these purpose pillars, enhancing motivation and fulfillment.

Future of Work with AI:

  • AI will push humans to focus on uniquely human attributes, such as purpose and service orientation.
  • Emphasizing service to others as a core component of motivation and leadership.

Impact of AI and VR:

  • AI and immersive virtual reality will significantly change the nature of work.
  • Countries like the Philippines could see economic growth by leveraging these technologies.

Rethinking Workforce Strategy:

  • Developed countries need to adapt to a future where AI and VR redefine competitive and cost-effective labor.

Challenges in Current Structures:

  • There is a desire to eliminate traditional hierarchies and silos within organizations.
  • Future discussions to explore how firms can adapt and restructure to be more efficient and inclusive in a technologically advanced landscape.

Hierarchical Structures and Human Nature:

  • Humans are wired to follow direction, as seen in parental guidance during childhood.
  • This inclination often translates into a preference for hierarchical organizational structures.

Challenges with Holacracies:

  • While holacratic structures like Hire exist, they face scalability issues.
  • Humans’ inherent need for direction makes fully flat, networked structures difficult to implement effectively.

Frameworks for Organizational Management:

  • Bain & Company’s RAPID framework (Responsible, Accountable, Perform, Informed, Decision-maker) offers a structured approach to organizational management.
  • Optimal spans of control (4-8 direct reports per manager) can enhance managerial efficiency.

AI’s Role in Management:

  • Advancements in AI enable managers to handle larger spans of control by delegating routine tasks to AI systems.
  • This allows managers to focus more on strategic decision-making and less on routine operational tasks.

The Value Creators Podcast Episode #39: Dr. Elias Aboujaoude: A Leader’s Destiny

Leadership is not what the business schools and coaching industry tell you it is.

A Leader’s Destiny” challenges conventional notions of leadership, offering a thought-provoking exploration into the complex interplay of psychology, culture, and society. Written by Elias Aboujaoude, the book delves deep into the modern leadership landscape, dissecting prevalent trends and highlighting the need for a paradigm shift in how we perceive and cultivate leaders.

It highlights how leadership has been oversimplified into formulaic steps and mnemonic devices, creating an illusion of quick mastery. This reductionist approach fails to capture the complexity of human behavior and context, lacking empirical support. Instead, Dr Aboujaoude proposes a shift towards viewing leadership as a state of mind, emphasizing psychology over pseudoscience and recognizing individual uniqueness. This reframing calls for a departure from the business school model of leadership, advocating for a more personalized and nuanced understanding rooted in psychology and character.

Dr. Aboujaoude’s  Value Creators podcast discussion with Hunter Hastings delves into the often-overlooked role of followership, critiquing the prevalent focus on grooming leaders at the expense of valuing followers. It emphasizes the importance of acknowledging followers as essential components of effective leadership and calls for a more balanced perspective that appreciates their contribution. Additionally, the conversation touches upon the significance of empathy and humility in leadership, advocating for emotionally intelligent and empathic leaders who understand the role of luck and serendipity in their success. Overall, the discourse prompts a critical reflection on current leadership culture, urging a reevaluation of conventional wisdom and a renewed focus on psychology, individuality, and genuine concern for both leaders and followers alike.


Connect with Hunter Hastings on LinkedIn

Connect with Dr. Elias Aboujaoude on LinkedIn

To Read, Sample, and Buy the Book on Amazon: A Leader’s Destiny: Why Psychology, Personality, and Character Make All the Difference

Show Notes:

0:00 | Intro
0:18 | Leadership Industrial Complex.
2:56 | Supply Demand Analysis: How Did Leadership Manufacturing Start
4:44 | Crisis: Leadership Demand Mismatch
8:59 | Attention Economy: Impact on Leadership
11:52 | Redefining Leadership: Psychology Perspective
17:34 | Leadership: Moving Beyond Formulaic Approaches
20:12 | Leadership Challenges: Left Hemisphere Dominance
22:45 | Individual Uniqueness vs. Formulaic Approach
24:46 | Charisma
30:05 | Fostering Effective Followership
32:18 | Distributed Leadership
34:42 | Leadership-Free Concept: Network Structure
35:40 | Culture 
40:38 | Cultural Reflection: Emphasizing Empathy
43:34 | Luck and Serendipity
46:34 | Whether Elias is Optimistic OR Not?
49:00 | Wrap-Up: A Leader’s Destiny Book

Knowledge Capsule

Leadership Industrial Complex

  • Elias Aboujaoude explains that society’s obsession with leadership establishes an exaggerated demand that the leadership industry supplies.
  • Society sends toddlers to “leadership academies” and prefers leadership titles.
  • Leadership is marketed as a science, making it seem universally accessible. This creates an inferiority complex in individuals who feel inadequate without leadership roles.

Evolution and Crisis of Leadership

  • Humans naturally seek leaders due to evolutionary tribal needs.
  • Society today resists hierarchical structures, creating a conflict with our innate desire for leadership. This leads to seeking leaders in inappropriate places.
  • Despite extensive leadership education and resources, inspiring leaders are scarce.
  • Leadership failure persists in academia, corporate culture, and politics. The crisis stems from minimizing the importance of psychology and character in leadership.
  • The conveyor belt approach to leadership allows unsuitable individuals to rise, often favoring narcissists and sociopaths.

Psychological Foundations of Leadership

  • Modern leadership culture often ignores psychological aspects.
  • Executive coaches, lacking formal psychological training, exacerbate this issue.
  • Studies show personality traits remain stable over decades, challenging the notion that leadership qualities can be quickly developed through training.
  • Genuine personality change is a long-term process, contradicting the idea that brief coaching sessions can effectively transform individuals into leaders.

Formulaic Approach in the Coaching Industry:

  • Dr. Aboujaoude highlights that the coaching industry often promotes a formulaic approach with specific steps like the “four C’s” and “9 proven steps”.
  • Quantitative vs. Qualitative: He points out the industry’s tendency to favor quantitative methods over qualitative, more personalized approaches.
  • He emphasizes the difference between these formulaic methods and the non-formulaic nature of psychological understanding.

Use of Mnemonics in Leadership Teaching:

  • Dr. Aboujaoude discusses how mnemonics are widely used in leadership teaching as part of the “Leadership Express” approach.
  • Simplistic Tools: These tools are sold as easy-to-remember hacks and tips that supposedly guarantee successful outcomes.
  • Dr. Aboujaoude criticizes the oversimplification and lack of substantial data supporting the effectiveness of these mnemonics.

Leadership as a Pseudo-Science:

  • The industry promotes leadership studies as a STEM field to give it credibility and reduce criticism.
  • Commercialization of Leadership: Leadership is marketed as an easily attainable science, which supports the business of leadership training.
  • There is no substantial data to back the claims that these leadership methods are universally effective.

Hierarchical vs. Subjective Approaches in Leadership

  • Hunter mentions Ian McGilchrist’s concept of left hemisphere dominance, emphasizing lists, plans, and strategies over human values.
  • Born Leaders vs. Circumstantial Leaders: Hunter notes that leadership can be contextual, depending on circumstances rather than just inherent traits.

Individual Uniqueness in Leadership:

  • Leadership should be about individual uniqueness rather than fitting into predefined traits.
  • The current trend of branding leaders with checklists of traits undermines true individuality.

Mystique and Charisma in Leadership:

  • The value of natural leaders is somewhat inscrutable, allowing followers to project their aspirations onto them.
  • The trend of oversharing on social media diminishes the mystique and reduces the effectiveness of leadership.

Concept of Charisma:

  • Historically, charisma is seen as a gift, not something that can be taught.
  • Elias Aboujaoude criticizes the idea of teaching charisma through courses, equating it to playing god.
  • True charisma is unique and cannot be reduced to steps or tips.

Role of Followers in Leadership:

  • The current leadership culture often ignores followers or sees them only as potential leaders.
  • Dr. Aboujaoude emphasizes the importance of appreciating followers for who they are and their role in supporting leaders.
  • The push to turn everyone into leaders can give followers an inferiority complex.

Distributed Leadership:

  • Hunter discusses the concept of distributed or democratic leadership, where leadership roles are shared among team members.
  • Elias notes that while democratic leadership can enhance morale, it can also be inefficient in times of crisis.
  • He questions whether true leadership can exist without some degree of hierarchy.

Cultural Challenges to Leadership:

  • There’s an increasing aversion to hierarchical structures, making traditional leadership roles more challenging.
  • The lack of privacy in the digital age compromises leaders’ ability to maintain a mystique and manage perceptions.
  • Persistent biases, especially against women, limit the pool of potential leaders and affect leadership culture.

Empathy in Leadership:

  • Emotional Intelligence: Empathy, as part of emotional intelligence, is a crucial trait for effective leadership.
  • Current Leadership Traits: The focus on traits can result in narcissism and sociopathy; there’s a need to shift towards nurturing empathetic leaders.
  • Cultural Shift Needed: A cultural shift towards valuing empathy and emotional intelligence in leaders is necessary.

Role of Luck and Serendipity

  • Great leaders often benefit from being in the right place at the right time, a factor not commonly acknowledged.
  • Many scientific discoveries are serendipitous, suggesting that leadership success can also involve elements of luck.
  • Recognizing the role of luck can bring humility and a more realistic approach to leadership development.

Optimism for the Future:

  • Dr. Aboujaoude is cautiously optimistic, believing that a deep cultural reflection can address the current leadership crisis.
  • Drawing parallels from changes in technology and psychology, he sees potential for a similar shift in leadership culture.
  • Despite the optimism, significant challenges remain in transforming the leadership industry.

The Value Creators Podcast Episode #34. David Kong’s Entrepreneurial Voyage from Finance to Fine Glassware

David Kong discusses his transition from Finance to Entrepreneurship and the process of building a supply chain for a product with exclusive features, such as thin, and handcrafted glasses. He explains how he searched for manufacturers, tested samples, and addressed production issues. Despite challenges with finding warehouses and improving packaging, Kong emphasizes the importance of creating value for customers. He shares insights on the emotional value of Glasvin stemware, its impact on the drinking experience, and the evolution of consumer preferences in the wine industry. Additionally, Kong discusses his direct-to-consumer (DTC) model, marketing strategies, and the significance of inbound sales for Glasvin.

Throughout the conversation, Kong underscores the value of efficient operations, strategic partnerships, and customer-centric approaches in building and scaling a successful business like Glasvin.


Database and Analytics company: SOMM.AI
Glasvin (Manufacturing company)
David Kong on LinkedIn


0:00 | Intro: Origin Story and Entrepreneurial Mindset
02:12 | Origin Story and Entrepreneurial Mindset
05:05 | Idea of Somm.AI Came From Experience
06:19 | How Did Personal Interest Evolve into a Business?
09:18 | Value Proposition for B2B Users: Benefits and Analytics
10:47 | Big Claim: Largest Updated or Updating Database of its Kind
12:49 | Attracting High-Price Point Luxury Wines
13:43 | Global Database
14:28 | Glasvin: Origin Story
19:07 | Building a Supply Chain
23:03 | What’s The Emotional Value of Glasvin?
25:36 | Evolution of Desired Experiences is Fascinating
27:26 | How Did Packaging Evolve
29:25 | Direct-To-Consumer Model
30:44 | B2B Business: Selling to Business Customers
34:45 | Conferences: Getting in Touch with Restaurants
37:53 | Wrap-Up

Knowledge Capsule

Origin of Somm.AI (Wine List Aggregator):

  • Initially conceived as a personal tool to find rare wines.
  • Evolved into a software business after experiencing success with user engagement.
  • Adapted business model from B2C to B2B due to changing market conditions and opportunities.

Value Proposition for B2B Users:

  • Offers benchmarking capabilities for restaurants to assess performance and competition.
  • Provides analytics and insights to identify trends and target opportunities in the market.

Market Dynamics and Competition:

  • David Kong shares that Somm.Ai targets on-premise wine data, serving a niche yet valuable segment.
  • Faces competition from established players like Nielsen but focuses on unique data sets and pricing strategies.
  • Recognizes challenges in entering the market due to technical complexities and limited entrepreneurial interest.

Global Reach and Expansion:

  • Capable of expanding database globally based on client demand.
  • Acknowledges regional variations in wine list availability and penetration rates.

Transition to Glasvin (Glassware Business):

  • Explored entrepreneurship opportunities beyond software due to the time-to-revenue constraints.
  • David shares how he identified the market gap in affordable, high-quality wine glasses and opted to start his own brand, leveraging importing experience and existing demand.

Challenges and Opportunities in E-commerce:

  • David Kong recognized e-commerce as a viable business model with the potential for success.
  • Found opportunities to offer quality products at competitive prices.
  • Successfully launched Glasvin as an e-commerce venture in 2020, capitalizing on market demand and personal interest in wine accessories.

Product Development and Supply Chain:

  • David reached out to multiple manufacturers via email to find one willing to produce the desired glasses.
  • The process involved requesting samples, evaluating quality, and addressing production issues.
  • David shares the initial challenges included finding manufacturers capable of meeting specific criteria, such as glass thickness and weight.

Value Creation and Marketing:

  • David emphasizes creating value for customers through product quality and pricing.
  • Packaging and branding were initially less polished but did not hinder sales due to the product’s perceived value.
  • David Kong’s primary focus was on enhancing the drinking experience, making wine taste better with thinner glasses.

Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Model:

  • Glasvin sells primarily through its own website powered by Shopify.
  • The decision was made not to sell on Amazon due to potential mismatches with the target customer base.
  • Inbound sales, driven by word-of-mouth referrals and brand reputation, are a significant aspect of Glasvinl’s sales strategy.

Restaurant Sales:

  • Glasvinl targets restaurants as a marketing channel, gaining exposure and credibility through partnerships with prestigious events like La Paulée.
  • The company provides glasses for rental at events, leveraging its association with high-profile wineries and events to expand its reach.

Evolution of Business Opportunities:

  • Participation in La Paulée led to the development of a rental program for the glasses, diversifying revenue streams beyond direct sales.
  • David identifies market gaps and opportunities, such as the demand for alternatives to Zalto glasses, and offers tailored solutions to meet customer needs.

Future Growth:

  • Despite current success, David emphasizes the importance of continuous adaptation and improvement to drive future growth.
  • The pursuit of growth involves remaining competitive, evolving the business model, and meeting evolving customer demands.