
I believe that the truly just society – and the one that serves all its members best – is the one that encourages and supports the creativity, imagination, and freedom of its entrepreneurs. You’ll find some important support for this thinking in topics I’ve been writing about lately.

The Coming Dominance Of Small Business.

The path forward to a new, high-productivity future in the digital age is more likely to be paved by micro-startups than tech giants.

Creativity Is Protest.

Creativity, therefore, is protest. It criticizes, not by pointing out the weakness and error of the status quo, but by imagining the future where the status quo is replaced. Imagination is the superpower of creativity.

Customers Are Your Firm’s Capital. Invest In Them.

What are your capital investment priorities? Include your customers in your list.

Do We Need The Contra-Capitalist Big Corporations?

Do we need big corporations in the interconnected digital era? Not really. We should certainly never use big corporations as good examples of capitalism and free markets; they are far too often contra-capitalist.

Twice The Well-Being, Twice the Production, Twice The Love.

The product of economic effort and exchange is love. Entrepreneurs love their customers and aim to make their lives better.

The Starting Point For Business Is Choosing the Customers With Whom You Will Share The Value Generation Journey.

The ultimate end point of a business is to create and retain customers. The first step towards that end point is to choose the right ones.