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137. Murray Sabrin’s 7-Point Entrepreneurial Solution to the Medical Care Crisis

Entrepreneurs solve problems for customers. There are few problems bigger than the horribly perverse medical care system under which patients suffer in the US. The system has evolved over time, with the stimulus of bad decisions, bad actors, and bad incentives. Entrepreneurship can solve the system problem with specific actions at the component level, each of which are practical and do-able, and can interact to create a new outcome at the system level.

136. Max Hillebrand on Free Software Entrepreneurship with Bitcoin

Entrepreneurs are developing a new world of innovative business models far from regulated markets, crony capitalism, and corporate control. It’s a new world of cyber security, free software, value-for-value exchange, integrated with bitcoin. Max Hillebrand operates in this new world, and he shares both his vision and his expertise on the Economics For Business podcast. Key Takeaways and […]

134. Per Bylund: The Unrealized

Understanding The Unrealized requires us as entrepreneurial businesspeople to think better, and to resist settling for what is merely feasible in a regulated, risk-mitigated world. We must ask what could be possible in a different world, and act on that basis. Sound economics supports such action. Per Bylund takes us through his thinking about The Unrealized.