Entrepreneurship Is Our Highest And Most Productive Technology.
Entrepreneurship is a technology, by every definition of the term. It’s a technology that harnesses the natural phenomenon of the pursuit of a better life.
Hi, Hunter Hastings here - I'm an economist by education, a marketer in my professional track, a venture capitalist in my current business life, an Individualist in philosophy, and a passionate supporter of entrepreneurship in whatever form I can practice it, support it and advance it.
Entrepreneurship is a technology, by every definition of the term. It’s a technology that harnesses the natural phenomenon of the pursuit of a better life.
We can gain useful insights by winding business models back in time to see how they emerged and evolved. In the case of competing business models, we can analyze the different outcomes and perhaps assign some cause and effect analysis to interpret why one model variant performed better than another. How do we do that? Through the technique of entrepreneurial business history.
The dynamism of an economy is determined by its organization. Crony capitalism is an organizational error that undermines innovation and value creation and produces inequality. An entrepreneurial organization is far superior.
In the new model of value, customers are the value creators. Firms are value facilitators, utilizing the 4V’s business model.
From all of this data, processed via his empathic diagnosis, Bart takes two perspectives on the CEO: the job and the person in it.
Veteran venture capital investor Pete Farner distills experience from four decades of entrepreneurship and investing on the Economics For Business Podcast #114. Passion, perseverance and intelligence are the three critical attributes he looks for in investable entrepreneurs, an insight drawn from a broad survey that we summarize here.