
I believe that the truly just society – and the one that serves all its members best – is the one that encourages and supports the creativity, imagination, and freedom of its entrepreneurs. You’ll find some important support for this thinking in topics I’ve been writing about lately.

business model

What Is A Business Model? It’s Not What You’ve Been Told.

What is a business model? It’s a question asked frequently…

Entrepreneurship Brings Us Optimism For The Future, Despite The Depredations Of Government.

Jeff Deist recently argued the case for economics over politics…

How Murray Rothbard’s Theory of Entrepreneur-Driven Progress Can Be Applied to Modern Businesses

In chapter 8, Rothbard establishes the principles of what he calls the progressing economy, one in which gross investment in capital goods is increasing, productivity is growing, and firms are making profits, indicating social affirmation that they are deploying resources in the ways best adjusted to the most urgent and evolving consumer needs.

The Genius Of The Consumer

Entrepreneurship is the intentional pursuit of value. This pursuit…

Entrepreneurship Is The One Institution We Can Rely Upon To Maintain A Prosperous And Civil Society.

In this time of social unrest, Americans’ confidence in our…