
I believe that the truly just society – and the one that serves all its members best – is the one that encourages and supports the creativity, imagination, and freedom of its entrepreneurs. You’ll find some important support for this thinking in topics I’ve been writing about lately.


What Would The World Be Like Without Entrepreneurs? Pretty Grim.

Reading Per Bylund’s How Entrepreneurs Build the World inspired…
Economics for Entrepreneurs Cover

A Nation Has Lost Its Way. Entrepreneurship Will Put Us Back On The Right Track.

A nation has lost its way. On July 13, 2012, in a political campaign speech in Roanoke, Virginia, United States President Barack Obama uttered the sentence: "If you've got a business—you didn't build that". Successful entrepreneurs and businesses, he implied, owed their success to government spending and public infrastructure.
Austrian Capital Theory

Austrian Capital Theory Provides Principles Of Capital Allocation Every Entrepreneur Can Apply Right Now.

Why do we make the case that Austrian Economics is the best resource an entrepreneur can use to grow their business? Because the principles of Austrian Economics are clear, precise and can be activated immediately in any business decision.

Definition of Entrepreneurship From Library Of Economics And Liberty

An entrepreneur is someone who organizes, manages, and…