
I believe that the truly just society – and the one that serves all its members best – is the one that encourages and supports the creativity, imagination, and freedom of its entrepreneurs. You’ll find some important support for this thinking in topics I’ve been writing about lately.

How Entrepreneurs Build Beautiful Businesses.

In his book, Narrative Economics, Robert Schiller, Nobel Prize-winning…

What’s A Good Entrepreneur To Do? Make A Profit, Thereby Serving Society In The Best Possible Way.

A January 2020 Forbes Magazine article titled “Why Doing Good…

We Need More Entrepreneurs To Encourage More Entrepreneurship And A More Dynamic Economy.

Most of the market activities in which entrepreneurs are engaged…

The Entrepreneurial Advantages of Building Human Capital While Young.

While you were young, did you gain knowledge and learn skills that gave you the human capital necessary to become an entrepreneur or a small business owner?

Why Do Entrepreneurs Miss Market Opportunities?

In his salient book, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Joseph…