
The Genius Of The Consumer

Entrepreneurship is the intentional pursuit of value. This pursuit fuels the engine of economic growth. The entrepreneurs who achieve the realization of value become folk heroes, and the great firms that create value at scale – Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Google – are stock market heroes.

All of this is acceptable wisdom. However, it’s the wisdom of outcomes, of recording the score after the play has been completed. Who drew up the play? Don’t we concede some genius to the coach and the offensive co-ordinator as well as the quarterback and the wide receiver?

Who Is Pursuing Value?

In order to understand cause and effect, we have to start at the input, not the outcome. Who is actually pursuing value? How did the entrepreneur – or Apple – know that something new was needed? That some improvement was required to retain the role of stock market hero?

Henry Ford is often quoted as saying (although he probably didn’t), “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” The implication is that he placed no faith in the identification of consumer needs. His preferred method was invention (coming up with something new through his own genius) followed by innovation (translating the invention into something that could be produced, and then sold on the market).

In fact, Ford’s attitude, according to Harvard Business Review, “had a very costly and negative impact on the Ford Motor Company’s investors, employees, and customers”. Because it turned out that, once consumers had Model T’s, they quickly decided that what they wanted was better cars. General Motors developed a response in the form of their “A Car for Every Purse and Purpose,” strategy which aimed to produce cars for distinct market segments aided by installment selling, used car trade-ins, closed car models, and annual model changes. The Ford Motor Company was quickly relegated to a minor, small-share role in the American automobile market.

Think of this as the genius of the consumer. One minute, they don’t have cars. Next minute they are demanding not only better cars, but also better ways to buy them, better aesthetics, greater variety and frequent upgrades. Such boldness, such expansive thinking, such imagination! Edison brought them lightbulbs, and they imagined a world of devices attached to an electricity grid providing on-call productivity services of all kinds. Steve Jobs brought them the iPhone and they interconnected themselves to each other and to sources of knowledge and to global supply chains.

The double genius of the consumer.

What is this genius? It is twofold. 

First, it is consumers who actually create value. How so? Because they are the ones pursuing it.  Entrepreneurs and the innovators put resources – such as cars and refined gasoline and silicon chips and touchscreens and internet connections – into consumers’ hands, and then the consumers roar into action, their creativity unleashed by new affordances. They try to create as much value as they can with the new resources. They drive to work and drive to school and drive across America and put grocery and tools in the backs of their cars (Hey, Henry! Make me a pick-up truck!), and maybe sleep in the car (Hey, Henry! Make me an RV!) and maybe make music in the car by singing and whistling to themselves or to their kids in the back seat (Hey, Henry! Where is the radio?), and maybe find themselves wishing they could call home to say when they’ll be home for dinner (Hey, Henry! How about a carphone?). Value occurs entirely in the consumer’s domain (or the customer’s if you are in B2B). Value is a feeling of satisfaction in the consumer’s mind.

Which brings us to the second aspect of the consumer’s genius. It’s their dissatisfaction. Henry Ford wanted to accuse them of lacking imagination. He got it all wrong. Anyone can imagine the future (flying cars for example). Not many can get it right. Consumers don’t waste their time on such high error rate activities. They concentrate on a subject where they are always right: their own feelings of dissatisfaction. “Henry, we get wet driving your car in the rain!” “Henry, it’s really hard to change the tires.” “Henry, I can’t afford to pay you that amount of money all at once. Give me some time, won’t you?” “You said it only comes in black, but blue is my favorite color.”  “Henry, your Model T looks the same this year as it did last year.” “Henry, can you speed this thing up?” “Henry, I need to work remotely. Can you make my F150 like a mobile office?”

The consumer has big dreams.

How genius is this? Dissatisfaction indicates that the consumer is able to dream bigger than the producer. Every new invention that becomes an innovation and is introduced to the market is immediately scrutinized under the lens of dissatisfaction, critiqued and criticized. No matter how many millions or billions of development dollars went into it, no matter how many Ph.D. engineers and Harvard MBA’s brought it to market, it can not survive the consumer’s examination unimproved. Because the consumer has big dreams.

The genius of the consumer outstrips that of the entrepreneur. Economists see the entrepreneurial process as one of trial and error, with the emphasis on error – a lot of mistakes before arriving (with the help of consumer feedback, of course) at a salable proposition, which is defined as one that generates less dissatisfaction than some alternative on which the consumer could spend their money.

Entrepreneurs are still heroes of course. If they weren’t willing to invest time, money and ego into the process of trying to please consumers, despite all the rejections, then there would be no progress. We might still be driving Model T’s, because no entrepreneur was willing to suffer the wrath of dissatisfied customers. We love our entrepreneurs. And we especially love those with more empathy – more ability to listen to consumers’ complaints to stimulate their imaginations for future betterment.

But let’s not err in identifying the locus of genius in this market process. Let’s help consumers achieve their dreams (before those of the entrepreneur).

A Values-Driven Entrepreneur Shares Ten Principles For Success In The Highly Competitive World Of Sports Content.

There are many kinds of entrepreneurs. They are all instigators of win-win arrangements in which customers are served in innovative ways by enterprising individuals and firms. Lives are improved for consumers and producers.

Recently, I was able to learn the path to success of an individual who chose the crowded and highly contested field of sports content production, navigated a way to the top, and then broke out in a new entrepreneurial distribution initiative. Jason Whitlock, the famed sports journalist and occasionally outspoken opinion commentator, shared many principles of his success;  here is a summary.

 Choose a field that fits your personality and interests.

Entrepreneurs talk about assembling a unique and competitively advantaged set of resources. Jason’s unique resources are a love of sports, some original thinking, and a distinctive personality that he was able to express in writing. He wasn’t deeply technically trained for his first profession (journalism) beyond writing for his college newspaper. That wasn’t the point. His commitment to the pathway – starting at the very lowest point in the climb – was the point. This is what the textbooks and white papers call effectual entrepreneurship.

Choose your path based on vocation, and not purely for financial reasons.

Don’t choose entrepreneurship to “get rich” or “make a killing”. Choose it because it’s your vocation. Jason wanted to stay in the world of sports, one he’d joined by playing football in college. If he could spend the rest of his life writing about and talking about sports, he felt he’d be happy – he’d have life licked, as he put it. Would he make money? An adequate salary probably, but money was not his goal.

Credentials are nice but hard work and experience advance you.

Jason has won a number of prestigious awards over his time on the path to success. He was delighted to receive them. But he stressed that advancement comes not from the credentials but from the hard work and experience-gathering of which they are a reflection. Experience is the most important: learning from others, learning from circumstances and events, learning from setbacks, learning from observing industry trends and what happens to others. Experienced entrepreneurs are the most successful in business even if they have made mistakes along the way – because they are able to glean from their experiences what is most important for the success of a business and what is merely incidental or actually detrimental.

Let your values guide you the whole way – define them, write them down, adhere to them.

Jason has thought deeply about – and codified – his own values. He includes them in his personal profile on his entrepreneurial distribution platform, Outkick. He cites Booker T. Washington as one of his guides. The entrepreneurial life is a values-driven life.

Study your field – know its history and role models.

It dawned on Jason why they teach you history in school – in order to learn about trends and the consequences of actions and the role of change and the nature of competition in ideas, institutions, nations and firms. Having chosen sports journalism as his field, he studied it deeply, to get a sense of how it changed over time, with technology, and in the culture. He tried to imagine – even though no-one can forecast – how it might evolve over time, and to equip himself for a new and different future.

Your intuition and innate ability to read people are your best tools for managing the future.

We discussed the entrepreneurial act of embracing change and trying to “stay ahead of it”, in Jason’s words. How do you do that? He elevates the role of intuition and empathy over data gathering and predictive analytics. At Mises University 2020, Professor Peter Klein spoke of the elevated role Austrian economics allocates to those two cognitive skills, and even cited academic studies about the entrepreneurial advantages of intuition (“smart intuitors”) among cognitive skills.

Be yourself! Emphasize your own uniqueness, personality and talents.

 Many of the assets Jason brings to the business of sports are personal and individual – a sense of humor, a jaunty outspokenness, a willingness to delve below the surface in defiance of conventional wisdom. In a corporate world, these traits can be viewed through a clouded lens; in the entrepreneurial world, they can be great strengths and differentiators if applied for customer benefit, information, and entertainment. Be yourself, and on your vocational path, your individual attributes will support you in your journey.

Always keep building a bigger and bigger platform for yourself and your content.

Jason started his career at the bottom of the ladder, covering minor college sports for a local newspaper as a part-time reporter. That’s a platform – a small one. He kept ascending on to bigger platforms – a major city newspaper, then a national reporting and opinion platform (ESPN), and now an independent internet platform (Outkick). There is always the opportunity to expand and grow.

Embrace change; try to stay ahead of it by always reinventing yourself.

By studying change in his industry and attempting to understand it and chart it, or at least acknowledge it, Jason was able to avoid being caught out by unexpected disruption, and to embrace the wave. If it is impossible to predict and master change, it is feasible to be the kind of economic actor who can self-reinvent, whether that is by learning, moving from platform to platform, adding new skills and capabilities, or finding new audiences. Never get locked in to one persona or set of capabilities.

Your intuition and innate ability to read people are your best tools for managing the future.

 I asked Jason how he predicts the future. Of course, he acknowledged, you can’t do that. But you do have tools, and intuition and what he called an “innate ability to read people and situations” are the most important. This is consistent with scientific research into the cognitive attributes of successful entrepreneurs. They have highly developed intuitive skills as well as more formal cognitive abilities, and it is a highly developed intuition that gives them the confidence to make quick decisions without waiting for all the data.

Always, always put your customer first. Be honest with them, be objective, and serve them distinctively.

It is the first principle of economics for business that the consumer is sovereign and that a successful business puts the customer in first role in everything that they do. Jason Whitlock confirmed the same principle. For a sports content producer, the customer is the reader, viewer or listener. Jason characterizes his audience as the intelligent sports fan who can appreciate an original take and distinctive reporting on subjects that many other content producers are covering in a more conventional fashion.

He commented on how athletes today don’t understand the principle. The customers are fans who attend the events and enjoy the performance. Athletes sometimes misunderstand and think that “their twitter feeds are their fans” and often go to the point of ridiculing or rejecting or offending their customers. We’d call that a failure to demonstrate empathy, and disrespecting consumer sovereignty. Successful entrepreneurs don’t make that mistake.


You can listen to Jason on the Economics For Entrepreneurs podcast #75.



75. Jason Whitlock: A Values-Driven Entrepreneur Shares Ten Principles for Success in the Highly Competitive World of Sports Content

Key Takeaways and Actionable Insights

There are many kinds of entrepreneurs. They are all instigators of win-win arrangements in which customers are served in innovative ways by enterprising individuals and firms. Lives are improved for consumers and producers.

On this week’s Economics For Entrepreneurs podcast we dissect the path to success of an individual who chose the crowded and highly contested field of sports content production, navigated a way to the top, and then broke out in a new entrepreneurial distribution initiative.

Jason Whitlock shares with us many principles of his success. We highlight just a few of them here to whet your appetite for the podcast.

Jason Whitlock's 10 Steps to Business Success

Choose a field that fits your personality and interests.

We have talked a lot with our contributing economics professors about assembling a unique and competitively advantaged set of resources. Jason’s unique resources were a love of sports, some original thinking, and a distinctive personality that he was able to express in writing. He wasn’t deeply technically trained for his first profession (journalism) beyond writing for his college newspaper. That wasn’t the point. His commitment to the pathway — starting at the very lowest point in the climb — was the point. This is what the textbooks and white papers call effectual entrepreneurship.

Credentials are nice but hard work and experience advance you.

Jason has won a number of prestigious awards over his time on the path to success. He was delighted to receive them. But he stressed that advancement comes not from the credentials but from the hard work and experience-gathering of which they are a reflection. Experience is the most important: learning from others, learning from circumstances and events, learning from setbacks, learning from observing industry trends and what happens to others. At Mises University 2020, Dr. Per Bylund told us that experienced entrepreneurs are the most Austrian ( — and therefore the most successful in business — because they are able to glean from their experiences what is most important for the success of a business and what is merely incidental or actually detrimental.

Let your values guide you the whole way — define them, write them down, adhere to them.

Jason has thought deeply about — and codified — his own values. He includes them in his personal profile ( on his entrepreneurial distribution platform, Outkick.comThe entrepreneurial life is a values-driven life.

Your intuition and innate ability to read people are your best tools for managing the future.

We discussed the entrepreneurial act of embracing change and trying to “stay ahead of it,” in Jason’s words. How do you do that? He elevates the role of intuition and empathy over data gathering and predictive analytics. Again, at Mises University 2020, Professor Peter Klein spoke of the elevated role Austrian economics allocates to those two cognitive skills, and even cited academic studies about the entrepreneurial advantages of intuition (“smart intuitors”) among cognitive skills (

Always, always put your customer first. Be honest with them, be objective, and serve them distinctively.

It is the first principle of Austrian economics in business that the consumer is sovereign and that an Austrian business puts the customer in first role in everything that they do. Jason Whitlock confirmed the same principle without any prompting. For a sports content producer, the customer is the reader, viewer or listener. Jason characterizes his audience as the intelligent sports fan who can appreciate an original take and distinctive reporting on subjects that many other content producers are covering.

He commented on how athletes today don’t understand the principle. The customers are fans who attend the events and enjoy the performance. Athletes sometimes misunderstand and think that “their twitter feeds are their fans” and often go to the point of ridiculing or rejecting or offending their customers. We’d call that a failure to demonstrate empathy, and disrespecting consumer sovereignty. Successful entrepreneurs don’t make that mistake.

These are just a few of the incisive and instinctively Austrian insights from Economics For Entrepreneurs podcast #75 with Jason Whitlock.

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“Jason Whitlock’s 10 Steps to Entrepreneurial Success” (PDF): Click to Download

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74. Raushan Gross on The Inspiring Life and Beneficial Impact of Entrepreneurs

Raushan Gross is one of the outstanding writers on the subject of entrepreneurship. In his latest e-book, The Inspiring Life and Beneficial Impact of Entrepreneurs, he establishes the ground rules of the complex system of entrepreneurial innovation in seven principles.

Key Takeaways & Actionable Insights

1) Consumer dissatisfaction is transformed into innovation by alert entrepreneurs.

The fuel that powers the engine of innovative progress is consumer dissatisfaction. The creativity of entrepreneurs transforms the fuel into the energy of innovative ideas, positive change and economic growth.

2) The engine keeps running because entrepreneurs continuously compete for customer approval.

Consumers and customers accept the latest innovation and keep seeking the next one. This relentless search inspires entrepreneurs to out-do each other in trying to bring the next improvement to market. We call it competition, but it’s really the entrepreneurial engine that never stops.

3) Entrepreneurs are empowered by their continuous learning from a constantly changing marketplace.

Some call the entrepreneurial process “trial and error”. Error should not be viewed as a negative concept — it’s learning. The entrepreneur gets smarter with every learning occasion. Learning is continuous because the market is constantly changing.

4) Entrepreneurship is the foundation of a productive society.

A productive and progressing society is the result of consumers seeking betterment and entrepreneurs seeking to serve them via innovation and improvement. There’s no alternative, if what we want is progress. All regulation and intervention impede the system. The worst kind of intervention — socialism — destroys it entirely.

5) Entrepreneurship flourishes most where there is a supportive history and culture.

To preserve and encourage entrepreneurship and to avoid the descent into a sclerotic interventionist economy, we need to weave recognition of the role of the entrepreneur into our culture and institutions. We need to teach it in our K-12 schools and discuss it around the family dinner table.

6) A world without entrepreneurs would be pretty grim.

Economics often sheds light via thought experiments. Here’s one: imagine a world without entrepreneurs. No innovation. No progress. No automobiles and no iPhones. It doesn’t take long to realize the losses we would suffer and the quality of life we would lose.

7) The post-pandemic world is the perfect time to observe the impact of spontaneous agility and adaptiveness.

There is a tendency for us to focus on the destruction that resulted from the pandemic and the politicians’ misguided imposition of lockdowns. Raushan Gross looks in the other direction: what an opportunity to marvel at entrepreneurial adaptiveness at work in the economic recovery.

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To download Raushan’s latest ebook, The Inspiring Life and Beneficial Impact of Entrepreneurs, visit

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72. Peter Klein: Four Considerations for the Delegation of Derived Judgment

Business books and business school courses tend to think of organization design as the structuring of a hierarchy, or the linkages of nodes in a network. The boxes and lines are departments, executives, assignments and communications flows.

Professor Peter Klein invites us to think in a different fashion. Organization design is the distribution of judgment among collaborators. The judgment of many people is necessary to the firm’s existence and value-facilitating practices.

Key Takeaways and Actionable Insights

For entrepreneurs, the future is not risky, it’s uncertain.

Risk is a calculable mathematical probability, like the result of 1000 tosses of a (fair) coin, or the likelihood of you being involved in a car accident in 40 years of driving on US interstate highways.

The outcomes of entrepreneurial decision making are not calculable. They can’t be computed. Yet entrepreneurs need to make decisions, without having all the facts in hand today, and without knowing the odds of the future results. That’s uncertainty.

Therefore they exercise judgment. Judgment is action. It’s business practice.

Judgment is not guessing, or speculating, or hoping. Judgment is action. Specifically, judgment is taking ownership of property and resources, combining and recombining them in different ways, and using them to make a product or service to offer to the market.

Judgment also incorporates spirit: the imagination, energy, creativity and bravery that entrepreneurs apply when they act. Judgment is human action.

And judgment is continuous. Entrepreneurs are called upon every minute of every day to make decisions of judgment.

Judgment quickly becomes team action.

As firms grow, the founder can’t be the sole exerciser of judgment, or the only one making commitments or acting creatively and imaginatively. In larger, more complex, multi-divisional forms, there are many executives, managers and employees who will be called upon to make judgments. And they will be well-qualified to do so, since they have special skills and tacit knowledge that the rest of the firm, including the founder, do not have.

In fact the founders or owners (or Board Of Directors) actively seek the judgment of the whole firm, in order to achieve the highest level of business success. Often, they make sure that everyone in the firm has enough “skin in the game” (in the form of incentives, commissions and supplemental compensation) to motivate them to give their best judgment.

How does judgment apply in complex organizations?

The firm develops a mix of original judgment and derived judgment (see

Derived judgment is Peter Klein’s term for the delegating of decision-making power and its distribution throughout the firm. Original judgment — the ultimate decision-making power — rests with the entrepreneur-founder, or may reside with a Board Of Directors or an appointed CEO. Derived judgment is granted to others throughout the firm who have special knowledge and skills to act creatively and imaginatively on the specific uncertainty they face in their positions.

The skill of original judgment is selecting the right people to exercise derived judgment, and designing the right combination of motivating incentives and appropriate controls.

What’s the best combination of incentives and control?

Austrian subjectivism and individualism, along with opportunity cost analysis, can point the way to the best mix of incentives and control.

Subjectivism tells us that there is no objective right answer to questions about which decision rights the owner should delegate to which employees under specific circumstances. The answer to those questions depends on the particular circumstances of the venture, its technology, its market, its business environment, the characteristics of the employees and the characteristics of the owner.

Individualism tells us that there are no generalizations about people — each one has different knowledge and skills and characteristics like reliability or trustworthiness, as well as creativity and imagination. The entrepreneur must judge each one individually, and match them as well as possible to specific circumstances.

Opportunity cost analysis tells us to always weigh the potential upsides and potential downsides of each choice and each appointment of an individual to a position in which they can exercise derived judgment. Exercise judgment about judgment.

Consequently there are four considerations:

  • Be as sure as you can to choose the individual with the most (and most relevant) tacit knowledge for the area in which they are going to exercise derived judgment.
  • Choose the individual who adds the greatest amount of experience as possible to the relevant knowledge.
  • Make sure the derived judgment of managers and employees is guided by a well-articulated mission (why we do what we do) and business model (how we do what we do). Pay attention to how well these are understood and shared.
  • Balance knowledge and experience against the potential for abuse (misjudgment) and the potential cost of that abuse should it occur. Don’t risk “destructive entrepreneurship”.

There are no “bossless” organizations.

Peter Klein points out that even in the flattest of organizational designs (think Wikipedia, Zappos, Spotify, or W.L. Gore) there is always some kind of governance, either of rules or of hierarchical authority, to limit the risk from derived judgment gone awry.

Don’t design an organization with an excessive amount of derived judgment relative to the controls that are in place.

How good are you at original judgment and at delegating derived judgment?

Entrepreneurship in action is real people in real-life situations. It’s not theory. Some are going to be better than others, as indicated by results and outcomes.

It will be useful for you — although not definitive — to self-assess your entrepreneurial judgment and how you delegate it. Gallup’s Builder self-assessment promises to help you build a thriving company and a winning team. Personality assessments like the Big 5 are less specifically tailored to entrepreneurial judgment but can nonetheless shed some light on personality traits that are applicable in entrepreneurship, whether in a small business, a growth firm or a corporate structure.

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71. Sanjay Yadav on the Process-Based Skills of Negotiation

Negotiation is an important economic process. The results of negotiation can significantly influence outcomes for all businesses. There are costs to asymmetry of negotiation skills between firms, customers, suppliers and partners.

Sanjay Yadav is an expert in negotiation. He learned his skills from both sides of the desk: in procurement and operations for large multinationals, and then in contract negotiation for creative services businesses of all sizes selling their services to similar multinationals.

From this unmatched combination of experiences, he has developed processes, tools and techniques and a comprehensive training program for executives.

Key Takeaways and Actionable Insights

Negotiation skills are vital to your business.

How well you negotiate will directly affect your cash flows, your costs, your margins, your scale, your financing and your resource allocation. It will indirectly affect your brand reputation, your organizational designs and your delegated management capabilities based on the employment contracts you negotiate.

Negotiation can be taught and learned.

As with everything in business, knowledge absence renders your outcome more uncertain. If your knowledge of the appropriate skills is lacking, you might experience disappointing results when negotiating with customers, suppliers, partners, employees and others in your ecosystem. If your role includes negotiating, allocate some time to skill development.

Negotiation is a process — the best results come from knowing how to do the right things in the right order.

For example, taking time to establish shared trust at the outset is better than having to recover lost trust later in the process. Think through the process from beginning to end — including what could go wrong or what unexpected difficulties might arise — so that you are never thrown off-track. When you know the correct next step to advance negotiations, you’ll be prepared in advance for that step and be ready with the appropriate action.

Negotiation is responsive to many Austrian principles.

Individualism: Austrian economics helps us think about the individual with whom we are negotiating, rather than the organization he or she represents. Every individual in every negotiation has unique identity, unique needs, a unique set of preferences and a unique context. Understanding individualism helps build trust and rapport.

Empathy: We are trained in Austrian economics to go inside the mind of the customer, in our imagination, in order to empathically understand their dissatisfactions and unmet needs. The same is true when working with a negotiator on the other side of the desk from us. Empathy helps us understand their goals and motivations, and to potentially create some subjective value from that knowledge. And it helps us think about the best tone and language.

Roundaboutness: Your actions early in the negotiation process will emerge as consequences later. If you pitch an absurdly high price at the beginning of a negotiation, thinking it will give you flexibility to lower it later, you’ll lose the trust of the other party and make negotiating harder. Small positive signals at the beginning can become major negotiating advantages later.

Entrepreneurial mindset: An entrepreneur thinks in terms of solving a problem — or relieving a dissatisfaction — for others. The market rewards creative solutions. Negotiation is an entrepreneurial undertaking — think about how to solve the other party’s problem.

Understanding value and communicating value are critical success factors.

Austrians have the best understanding of value. This is a huge advantage. At the outset, be sure to spend significant time communicating to the one with whom you’re negotiating the value of your offering. Value is not related to cost; it’s related to the experience your customer / partner / supplier is going to have as a result of collaborating or contracting with you. Be sure your counterparty can properly assess the subjective value you are going to create for them. If they anticipate the same value that you propose, then negotiation will not be a barrier to an exchange.

You can establish a negotiation culture.

Some companies — especially a small one negotiating with a large one (and especially with the procurement department!) — fall into the trap of feeling overwhelmed or under-qualified. Confidence in both content and process is important for success in negotiation. You can develop a negotiation culture of confidence via training, practice and preparation.

Negotiation is a universally applicable skill.

Mastery of the negotiation process is a life skill as well as a business skill. You’ll feel confident about establishing and managing relationships between your company and its customers, as well as with people you contract to provide services at your home, and in any kind of association or organization. You might find yourself negotiating with your spouse. Use your skills!

Negotiators are happy people.

Sanjay’s sign-off advice: negotiators are happy people. They know the value they are offering, they know how to get the appropriate rewards for their value, they are comfortable and confident with the process of negotiated value exchange, and they know how to resolve conflicts.

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Negotiation: Our Free E4E Knowledge Graphic

Our latest free e-book, Austrian Economics in Contemporary Business Applications: (PDF): Our Free E-Book

Discover negotiation readiness at Sanjay’s website

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